Monday, May 12, 2008


Baca's shots
Here we see Chris Baca's shots running.
We saw last year at the WBC a Skandinavian competitor (from Norway?) doing this kind of technique and for what i remember it didn't please the judges. What a shame.
Luckily Baca and his team mate Drew Cattlin had more positive reactions on their simultaneous spro technique at the United States Barista Championships at Minneapolis last week.
The basic idea is to prepare one portafilter. Put this one on the side. Prepare the second one. Then put this one down. Pull two shots with the first portafilter and directly after a second pair of shots with the second PF.
For me this sounds perfect. First of all to have a better overview at the extraction times and most important to offer the judges four similar fresh shots. I think i'm going to train my boys and/or girls to do the same thing at the BBC at the end of the year.
If you want to see it in action you can go to my USBC 2008 article from last week and see the vids. Cool cat this Baca boy! And with -no distribution needed- Anfim grinder!!! Mines arrive hopefully this or next week.
(flickr photo from the SCAA blog)

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