Thursday, July 1, 2010

Caffenation House Blend Edition Summer 10

It's a while ago we said something about our main blend, the House Blend.

It's stable since a month and we're very happy about it.
For €14,00 we offer one kilo of coffee excitement.
Main component is the all mighty Ethiopian Yirgacheffe. Add on equal parts of Guatemala Antigua Panchoy and a conventional Brazil. And finish off with 10% Indonesian Sulawesi Celebes Blue Toraja.

It's an espresso blend, but more then ever suitable for filter, press and iced coffee's, due to the higher percentage of Yirgacheffe.

Plenty of body (thank you Panchoy & Blue Toraja), a vibrant mid with acidity peaks and a very long finish.

The only problem we notice is in the blending.
When blended before roasting the espresso is bold, but very flat.
Blending after (individual) roasting gives the punch and details. Very big difference. We're playing with the idea of blending all bags of House Blend post roast, but this is going to weight seriously on the price.
Wait and see....

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