After a little bit of experimenting; we came to a conclusion and are very happy to have this new Little Green Bag blend on the rails.
With 2/3 of Burundi Kibuye and 1/3 of Malawi Pamwamba AAA we found a very spiced coffee mixture.
There's a big touch of salt in the start, with refined acidity (not too much!) and thyme and pepper. We have a hint of liquorice and a lot of orange blossom.
Here you find 2 files that we posted to the online members when they received these 'singles' as their filter of the week.
Burundi Gitega Kibuye, arabica-Jackson, Bourbon, Iron19.
2de uit een reeks van 4 Burundi's die we al in huis hebben, of nog gaan krijgen.
2012 was het eerste jaar dat ze in Burundi deelnamen aan het Cup Of Excellence programma.
Van de 100 inzendingen werden er 17 weerhouden. De Ruhande (onze koffie van enkele weken geleden) en Mahonda (onze koffie over enkele weken) Stations haalden de cut, de Kibuye net niet.
Via de Zwitserse koffietradingfirma Sucafina en zijn specialty afdeling 32cup konden we de beste verliezers op de kop tikken en deze Kibuye was hiervan onze favoriet. Volledig COE waardig en wel om de volgende smaakkarakteristieken :
Super clean cup met medium aciditeit, medium body en noties van cederhout, drop en vooral oranjebloesem. A winner!
De naam Kibuye komt van de plek waar de koffie verwerkt wordt; de op 1866 hoogte gelegen Kibuye Washing Station (coördinaten op Google Maps : 3° 42' 15" S,29° 57' 44" E).
De bessen komen uit de Gasasa, Migano, Bukirasazi, Bugumbasha, Rwinyana en Nyamagandika bergen. De regio rond de Kibuye Washing Station is zeker en vast een van de meest belovende koffiestreken ter wereld, waar we in de toekomst hopelijk nog veel pareltjes kunnen inkopen.
Malawi Pamwamba AAA. Roasted Nov 28th
This coffee is grown near the town of Namadzi in the southern Highlands of Malawi, an area better known for producing world class teas. Coffee has been grown here only since the early 1980′s, but with increasing sophistication. The coffee trees, consisting mainly of Catimor and to a lesser extent SL 28 varietals, grow in clay loam at between 3400 to 3800 feet above sea level. The coffee farms all maintain programs to subsidize the cost of housing, health care and education for workers and their families.
Planting coffee is also a soil conservation measure in these areas, where erosion is a widespread problem, as the bushes are planted in contour lines therefore controlling run-off and reducing soil loss. Coffee is mainly planted by smallholders, so it is often inter-cropped with other species in order to supply food to the household. Recently some farmers have started to plant macadamia trees, which can constitute another lucrative income source.
Cherries are harvested at dawn and brought to pulperies before early afternoon. Careful washing and grading is carried out on the same day before the wet parchment settles into separate fermenting tanks. Interesting to note that this Coffee (as with most coffee from Malwi) is transported through Mozambique for shipment from Port of Beira on the Indian Ocean.
What do we taste : Typical Eastern African Touch, Swedish Cinnamon Rolls, Little hint of Lemon Grass and Pine Nuts.
Next LGB version should be hitting your shelf by March.
Good luck with this one.
Feedback always welcome.
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