Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Nomads on the Roll

Active since a couple of months and now totally on the roll is this brilliant project from Chris and Agnieszka called Nomads.

While being air stewards, they bought this old Renault van one year ago.

They adressed themselves to me for assistance and training.
Bit by bit they started to train themselves and pimp the bus.

The first time I saw the espresso-bus-van at the De Coninckplein I couldn't believe my eyes. This was the most beautiful mobile bar ever! Painted mat black, finished off with polished wood and with La Marzocco and Anfim gear inside they made a statement!

Now they start their engines part time for all your parties and coffee happenings.

On their Facebook page you can see photos of the whole story and contact number or mail.

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