Wednesday, November 21, 2012

New Filter for our Online Members : COE Mexico!

Agustin Moreno Salgado, Finca Corral de Pidra.
Roast 14/11

1) Cup Of Excellence is an organisation who's on the research of the 'perfect' bean and auctions every year the best lots in 11 different country's. This movement is very important to stimulate coffee farmers and cooperatives to improve their coffee and via this program raise the price to a more-than-fair level. For Mexico it was the first year they entered the competition and we scored a part of lot #5.

2) The farmer Agustin lives in Veracruz and began cultivating coffee 20 years ago. They renovated almost all the coffee plantation and began planting in grafted coffee that are more resistant to nematodes, 6 years ago.

3) We haven't been happy with the offer of Mexican beans in the past. Mostly to the specific climat (Mexican is most Northern of all American coffee producing country's) the average bean has a very flat and boring taste.

4) But not this one; here we a Panamesque full flavored cup with some florals, hints of stone fruit and an elegant chocolate touch. Enjoy!

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