Monday, April 16, 2012

LGB 2.1

We have a new Top Blend.

This Little Green Bag is the first new one for the quarter and therefor called 2.1.

It's two equal parts of the Colombia El Meridiano and Ethiopia Yirgacheffe.

Every year we do a lot of Yirgacheffe. It's for sure our most popular coffee region ever.

The first containers of the new season from Ethiopia, actually its for most origins, are sometimes a bit shaky. Very often they want to speed this up at origin and therefor we don't receive the best selection/screening of beans. Mostly 2nd or 3rd container is better, but of course you always have to test first, before drawing conclusions.
So, we ordered a couple bags of the new crop Yirg and were curiously waiting for the first roasts of this holy bean.
That day Jeff and I brewed, immidiately after the cooling down, an aeropress with the Yirgacheffe filter roast and discovered an insane sweet green jasmin tea flavor. Partially this had to do with the freshness, but anyhow, we knew for the first second on this was a stellar roast.

Now a couple weeks later we had it as an espresso and filter of the week and with such a succes we decided to blend it in already.

Probably this blend is going to last for a couple of months.
The Colombia is very creamy and stable.
And the Ethiopian always a good blender.
Both coffee are sweet, low on acidity and bitters and with a medium body. The espresso's are very complex and mild. The milk based drinks better then ever.
Also on filter we have great results with this blend.

Good luck to anybody.
Don't hesitate to review this LGB 2.1 and comment.

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