Saturday, March 24, 2012

Colombia Tolima El Meridiano

Our first Direct Trade ever.

This is a specially selected lot of coffee from the Tolima region. We work with an exporter who in turn works to select small lots of significantly superior cup quality, then follows those coffees through the wetmilling and drying stages. It comes from a small growers cooperative with only 58 members; average farm size is only 4.5 hectares, about 11 acres and this should be considered a 'relationship' coffee.

The coffee itself is a combination of Caturra (70%) with the balance variedad Colombia and Typica. This is very high grown coffee so the beans are generally smaller and more concentrated with the minimum bean size being screen 15. Farm altitudes are generally 5000 to 6300 feet. The coffee is fully washed with traditional processing but done in micro-mills on each farm rather than a centralized facility. Further, it is fully sun-dried in both greenhouse and rooftop drying patios.

La Meridiano is shade grown, getting shade from a number of tree species including Plantain, Cambulo, Chachafrtuo, Guamo and Nogal. Shade cover is about 40%.

Taste :

Amazing body and mouthfeel, clean and sweet. Long finish. Complex, crisp, refined acidity. Apple and berry fruit. Harmonious balance.

This should become our basis for the next LGB. Maybe it's even a winner as a single, but then we run out very quickly and also have a small price problem. This one is not our cheapest coffee...

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