Thursday, June 2, 2011

WBC Colombia : The Prequel

Very happy being here in Colombia.

It's my 4th WBC and it feels like, far away from most peoples homes, the friendship and bond with one another is stronger then it ever was before.

I think it was a right decision to be represent with a Caffenation team. And for more then one reason.

For Bird and me the first days were awesome.
Medellin was the first stop. Never visited a city with 2 faces that were so opposite, but at the same time interesting. It's a vivid city with a big future I think.

Then we moved on to Bucaramanga. A city as funky as its name.
Not so much to see here, but within an hour of the Hacienda El Roble.

Probably Huila has the most smashing coffee's, but the region of Santander has El Roble.

With 18 other coffee professionals we tasted 31 different varientals! I could wander on and on about it, but never this man is going to inform you as good as Zachary Carlson did with this post.

Besides of coffee this estate displayed great hospitality, food, the most beautiful birds and flowers I ever witnessed and great coffee of course.
Thank you Oswaldo (owner) and Giancarlo from Viramax, who invited us on this great venue.

Meanwhile we arrived after a shaky bus ride at San Gil, capital of the adventure sports.

Friday we should be back in Bogota and ready to meet more coffee lovers at the WBC. Very looking forward...

(photo's will be added after my return)
(follow our and other tweets meanwhile for more info)
(and for some funny Maarten articles) - click ESW in the link list.

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