Saturday, June 27, 2009

Peter Hernou World Latte Art Champion

I still can't believe this but he made it.
I knew he was impeccable on free pour and it showed this year.
After dropping his pitcher last year he came back in full revenge and took the crown. It reminds me a bit of Fred De Burggraeve who slipped off the starting blocks at the Olympics one year, but won the Olympic title 4 years later on the 100 meter breast stroke.

Congrats Peter. And of course I have to think back how it all started 4 years ago with the 2 of us discovering the Latte Art and learning everything by ourselves.
Very very proud and happy to have an Antwerp Barista as world champion!!!!!!!!
Next latte at Caffenation is on my account. :-)

For those who want to see how it all looks like : click it.
(the best capps I ever saw on stage)

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