It's auction season and interesting to see how the Cup of Excellence is progressing.
Mostly an American thing, we found at the Guatemala auction some buyers this year from Iceland, Japan, Finland, New Zealand and Norway. Where's Great Britain's proud Hasbean would you ask? They couldn't find the right bean for the price offering and didn't buy this year. For those amateurs in Belgium who are interested ; don't worry, they still offer other great Guatemala.
No doubt this year top farm was the El Socorro from Palencia.
The farm has an efficient ecological wet mill. It depulps coffee cherries in dry, it transports the coffee and its pulp mechanically and it reuses water in the process. Then, the water is treated with clean production techniques, before throwing it away. Since 2005, we have been working on tests to uniform the fermentation process and we have obtained satisfactory results. Drying of coffee is done in patios. The farm is certified by Rainforest Alliance and Coffee Practices.
Their pacamara bean scored an amazing 93.60!!!
The taste was mostly described as mature, elegant with jasmine and lots and lots of fruit.
Aren't we all getting thirsty right now?
The 15 bags were all bought by Solberg & Hansen AS for € 19.50 a pound.
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